I feel like I can relate to Arjuna because when I get home from school, I don’t want to go on a run a get exercise because I am tired and have been at school all day. This is similar to Arjuna because he did not want to fight in the war, but did so anyways because he knew that it was his duty. I can relate to this because when I get the feeling that I don’t want to run and I would rather watch tv or lay down, I realize though that is the right thing to do and get my daily dose of exercise.
I could apply the idea of Bhagavad Gita in this comic by not going what I wanted to do, but what was my duty to do. It was the right thing to do which is running even if I really don’t want to. Because of this you can truly enjoy your life after death.
In ancient India, completing your duty will help you gain something in the afterlife. This idea differs from the American point of view because when the American does their duty, they receive something in this world, not the after life.
This could be used as a tool of oppression by the rulers of ancient India. The could use this by saying that by completing jobs for them, the people would be doing their duty.